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Table 4 Examples of free text explanations of ‘Other’ barriers to receiving adequate care from the seven areas of care described in the PNCQ-9

From: Perceived need for care and stigma experiences among individuals with methamphetamine-related admissions to inpatient mental health wards

Type of care

Example of response


“Had the basics, needed higher level information”

“I think I got less information because I got angry at the program staff”


“Not enough resources in Northern [Manitoba] community. I always have to fly to see my doctor”

“Hard to get good follow-up after discharge, so I couldn't get the meds”

Hospital Care

“Not enough access to culturally appropriate care (no sweat lodge at [the hospital])”

“Avoided hospital care because of trust issues and paranoia”


“not a good fit with therapist, lack of trust in psychiatrist and counsellor”

Scared I would get in trouble if I opened up more”

Social Interventions

“Working round-the-clock made it impossible to properly access resources”

“Aged out of [Child and Family Services Care], turned away due to meth use, no specific med-focused resources”

Skills Training

“Caring for sick grandma and kids so I don't have time to do skills training”

“Felt discriminated against when it came to opportunities. Also emotions got in the way”

Harm Reduction

“Doctor didn't give me leave to go get harm reduction supplies”

“Not enough resources to go around in the city”