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Table 2 Current substance use among study participants

From: Identifying barriers and facilitators to COVID-19 vaccination uptake among People Who Use Drugs in Canada: a National Qualitative Study

Substance use

Participants N = 78 (%)




45 (57.7)


20 (25.6)


9 (11.5)


2 (2.6)

 Not specified

2 (2.6)

Frequency of Use



42 (53.8)


36 (46.2)

  1. ‘Stimulants’ primarily included uppers such as cocaine, crack-cocaine, amphetamines and methamphetamine/crystal meth; ‘Opioids’ primarily included downers including both illicit and pharmaceutical opioids such as hydromorphone, heroin, and fentanyl, but excluded references to OAT such as Suboxone or methadone; ‘Polysubstance’ use included reference to using two categories of substances, as well as using speedballs (a combination of stimulants and opioids). ‘Not specified’ included references made by participants to using a variety of unspecified substances