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Table 1 Demographic and substance use characteristics of SSF users, Vancouver, Canada (2020), n = 175^

From: Supervised smoking facility access, harm reduction practices, and substance use changes during the COVID-19 pandemic: a community-engaged cross-sectional study


Total n (%)






46 (26.9)


66 (38.6)


32 (18.7)


20 (11.7)

 ≥ 60

5 (2.9)




121 (70.7)


37 (21.6)


9 (5.3)

Homeless (yes)†

97 (59.5)

Substances used on day of visit*



149 (85.1)

 Crystal methamphetamine

116 (66.3)


36 (20.6)


21 (12.0)


20 (11.4)


12 (6.9)


12 (6.9)

Substance use frequency


 ≥ Daily stimulant use‡

118 (73.8)

 ≥ Daily opioid use‡

150 (93.2)

Reported changes in personal substance use since COVID-19*


 Paid more for substances

97 (55.4)

 Used alone more often

71 (43.7)

 Changed dealer or source

68 (38.9)

 Increased frequency

58 (40.9)

 Could not find substance

57 (32.6)

 Used different substance

35 (20.0)

  1. ‡Refers to the 14-day period prior to the baseline questionnaire
  2. †refers to the month prior to the baseline questionnaire
  3. ^Analytic N may vary slightly due to item non-response
  4. *Variables allowed for selection of multiple options