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Table 3 Psychoactive drug substances found in the urine sample among PWUD

From: Community-based respondent-driven sampling as a strategy for drug use surveillance in a large French urban area


All* (N = 554)

PWID* (N = 194)

N (%)

N (%)

COC (cocaine)

346 (62.5)

110 (56.7)

MOR (heroin, morphine)

251 (45.3)

103 (53.1)

MDMA (Ecstasy)

30 (5.4)

8 (4.1)

MET (methamphetamine)

46 (8.3)

25 (12.9)

AMP (amphetamines)

74 (13.4)

21 (10.8)

MTD (methadone)

192 (34.7)

87 (44.8)

BUP (buprenorphine)

165 (29.8)

86 (44.3)

KET (ketamine)

25 (4.5)

7 (3.6)

MDP (methylphenidate)

79 (14.3)

48 (24.7)

MCAT (cathinone)**

20 (3.6)

10 (5.2)

  1. PWID People who inject drugs, PWUD People who use drugs
  2. *Participants may be in more than one category
  3. **MCAT was only tested in men who report taking it in a context of chemsex (N = 148 among whom 50 were injectors)