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Table 1 Development and evaluation of the community-based buprenorphine treatment (CBBT) intervention components

From: Development and evaluation of a community-based buprenorphine treatment intervention


Content description


Component 1: Buprenorphine Educationa

Slide presentation

8 modules: introduction; background information on buprenorphine; what is buprenorphine; who can take buprenorphine; getting on buprenorphine; buprenorphine and the brain; buprenorphine/naloxone vs. buprenorphine alone; effectiveness and safety of buprenorphine; being involved in your buprenorphine treatment

Mean satisfactionb = 1.9

Pre-post knowledge increased from 50 to 79% of answers correct.c

Frequently asked questions

30 questions frequently asked by people seeking buprenorphine treatment

Resource guide

Resources (websites and phone numbers) that provide buprenorphine information and list buprenorphine-prescribing physicians

Glossary of terms

42 frequently used terms associated with opioid addiction and buprenorphine

Myths and facts about buprenorphine

16 commonly held myths regarding buprenorphine, and the facts regarding these statements

Component 2: Motivational Interviewingd

Slide presentation

Components: what is motivational interviewing; stages of change; key principles of motivational interviewing

Mean satisfactione = 4.5


Self-reflection activities, stages of change clinical scenarios, role-playing activities

Component 3: Facilitate access to buprenorphine-prescribing physicians

Identification of buprenorphine-prescribing physicians

Interactive exercises using websites to locate buprenorphine-prescribing physicians

Mean satisfactionb = 1.6

Facilitate clients’ accessing buprenorphine treatment

Role play phone calls to doctors’ offices inquiring about buprenorphine treatment; exploration of process to initiate buprenorphine treatment; role play potential structural barriers (insurance issues, medication cost, transportation)

Component 4: Support during buprenorphine treatment

Case scenarios with common treatment challenges

Group discussion of 4 case scenarios that represent common treatment challenges: use of illicit buprenorphine; relapse; polysubstance use; severe untreated mental illness.

Mean satisfactionb = 1.6

  1. aModified from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Buprenorphine Educational Curriculum
  2. bSatisfaction was measured using an 8-item questionnaire that rated importance, usefulness, comfort, and appropriateness of the trainings’ content and structure. Ratings used a Likert scale from 1 to 4, where 1 = highly satisfied and 4 = highly dissatisfied
  3. cKnowledge was measured before and after the training via a 5-item multiple choice questionnaire
  4. dDeveloped and delivered by the Harm Reduction Coalition [44]
  5. eSatisfaction was measured using a Likert scale from 1 to 5, where 1 = poor and 5 = excellent